Catch Trout at Hagemann Ranch
Take the family and try your hand at rainbow trout fishing at Hagemann Ranch in Bodega Bay. Their pond has been stocked with rainbow trout for over 35 years. Talk about fun—no fishing licenses is needed, and you catch ‘em, they clean ‘em. They have bait and tackle, snacks and beverages, picnic tables, barbecues and… worms. You don’t need anything; they have everything you need for great family fun!

This is a family run business and the biggest thing about having this pond is the memories made by all the families that come and visit. Bruce and Pam Hagemann (Matt’s Parents) started stocking the fishing pond over 30 years ago. With their kids Heidi, Heather and Matt, helping in the shop and cleaning fish they opened upon to the public. Along with Fishing this ranch was a working sheep ranch for about 165 years and more recently cattle. Matt and Stephanie (Matts wife) took over after working and helping for years expanding the cattle operation. They now have their kids helping as well.
There are only two rules: no catching frogs and no catch and release—these babies are yours for the taking. Prices are more than reasonable and based on the size of fish you catch. Generally, visitors should be able to get the full experience, including snacks and drinks for under $20 per person, and go home with fresh fish for dinner.
Take the opportunity to tour the over 1000 acre working cattle ranch by horseback or truck. The Hagemanns offer fun-filled, frown-free fishing in season. The summer schedule is 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Thursdays through Mondays, June through September; with the winter schedule changing to weekends only for October and November and resuming with winter hours from April to May. Horseback Riding is also available year-round with Horse N Around Trail Rides. Hagemann Ranch is located between the towns of Bodega and Bodega Bay. The ranch entrance is located at 18797 South Hwy 1 (1/2 mile west of Hwy 12 intersection), Bodega Bay.
Hagemann Ranch Trout Farm
18797 South Hwy 1, Bodega Bay, Ca
707.876.3217 •