July 27, 2024

Contact Information

“101 Things To Do” is available as a printed magazine in California Regions of Del Norte County, Humboldt County, Shasta Cascade, Butte County, Tahoe, Sacramento, Mendocino County, San Francisco, Orange County, Palm Springs, San Diego and Sonoma County/Napa County. Additional regions include Phoenix, AZ; Western Oregon; Hilton Head and Outer Banks, SC and the four main islands of Hawaii.

These magazines are designed to describe and recommend activities, sites of interest and events in each region. The stories are provided in concise, user-friendly formats, including photos and contact information. The printed magazines are provided freely to active visitors and locals via hotels, inns, resorts, visitor centers, retail centers, wineries and activity locales. They are supported solely by the advertising included in each magazine. Content for most publications is available through our main website, www.101things.com.

For information about the Wine Country (Sonoma County and Napa County) edition, contact:

Art Severe, Publisher
707.845.6299 • art@101things.com

For information about licensing and available regions, contact:

Gregg Gardiner, President
707.834.9595 • gregg@101things.com